Glenmark Philippines leads in creating First Aid ” the first responder” at school and at home.
Foskina First Aid Training
At the SMX Convention Center, Taguig City, February 24th, 2019 – Glenmark Philippines a partner of the main research-based pharmaceutical company Glenmark Pharmaceuticals led First Aid for Kids Training through its band on wound consideration Foskina Ointment.
Glenmark plans to build mindfulness about the benefit of knowing the utilization of fundamental emergency treatment, particularly among guardians and school facilitators of preschool and kindergartens.
Children in this age extend are inclined to cuts, scrapes, and consumes, obtained either at home, school of different places like shopping centers, parks, and play area where they are most physically active. It is most critical that guardians and school facilitator are knowledgable with regards to applying medical aid as the specialist on call in different instances of emergency.
What is CPR:
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation – a medical technique in reviving someone whose heart/breathing stopped.
How to CPR Infant
Tap the foot of the child
Check the breathing of the infant if no go, start CPR by laying down the infant and gently tilting the head upwards to open the airway
Use 2 fingers to put 30 chest compression at the rate of 100-120/minute. (tip: sing in your mind the beat of Baby Shark)
Do this for 5 times until the medical practitioner comes or emergency staff.
How to CPR Child
Tap the shoulder, if no response start CPR
Check the breathing if no go, start CPR by laying down the infant and gently tilting the head upwards to open the airway
Use 1 hand to put 30 chest compression at the rate of 100-120/minute. (tip: sing in your mind the beat of Baby Shark)
Do this for 5 times until the medical practitioner comes or emergency staff.
How to CPR Adult
Do steps 1 to 4 but use 2 hands for pressure on the chest while doing CPR
Always ask for HELP or call 911 or in the Philippines call your local emergency contact number
I am not a medical practitioner, these were the steps taught to us to use during the first aid training
Appropriate treatment on wounds:
Clean/run it with tap water
Utilize mild cleanser or antibacterial cleanser
Never use hydrogen peroxied or alcohol
After cleaning, put Foskina oitment on wounds
Cover the injuries with a gauze bandage
Uses of Foskina Ointment:
Treatment of wounds
Can be used on your face to treat wounds or scrapes
Safe to use for kids
The address and hand on training were driven by the group of Early Intervention Mnaagement, Dr. Dan Luchangco, and Dr. Joy Sto. Domingo from the Emergency Department of the Makati Medical Center.